Behold... the world's skinniest jaguar/hyena. First on his agenda was his former commander, Megatron; stealing an Autobot shuttle, he located and repaired the Kronosphere and - during a decisive battle between Megatron's and Optimus Prime's forces that would have normally ended with the Autobots being forced off of Cybertron and into their moon bases - turned the weapon on his own faction, trapping Megatron and his crew in a space-time rift. Here's the step-by-step way to get Cat Mike and Dog Spike into peaceful coexistence. Obviously they hack apart a bunch of foam floor mats and turn them into a life-size replica of Ravage from the Transformers. Ravage can easily be mistaken for a dog. An item from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. I would say it equals out in the end, to be honest. report. Many dogs reverse their normal schedules, so their daytime activities become their nighttime activities. Bummer. It wasn't until I saw an actual G1 Ravage toy in a picture did I realize he's a cat. His survivors are few. 2. The Ascending issue 1. It wasn't until I saw an actual G1 Ravage toy in a picture did I realize he's a cat. Shadow PantherBlack Panther Man … And after hearing the warning, Ravage heeded the sage advice, sneaking out of the base while chronically displaced and re-emerging to the sight of several gun barrels from Lio Convoy, Razorbeast, and the Pack. But which doggie dissembler comes closest to running with the fox? Ravage used his rocket boosters to scare away his living look-alike. Two Steps Back! Starscream. Cassette Mirage's resolve against the Decepticons strengthened, he blasted Ravage, removing him fully from the rest of the battle. Ravage tracked him to Stanford Merriweather's house in San Francisco and crashed into the household, startling Muldoon, Merriweather, Merriweather's daughter Kitty, and Mark Twain. In truth, there was no rocket base—Autobot Hound projected a holographic illusion in the hopes of luring the Decepticons into a trap. He survived the battle and fell under Bludgeon's command, taking part in the Decepticon attack on Klo. Decepticon mostly appeared alongside his 'carrier' Soundwave. Autobots. the cats' names are bandit and pepper, male and female respectively. Cornering the flesh creature in a studio control room, Ravage had a door closed on him, was electrocuted by a control panel, and had a shelf filled with video cassettes pushed onto him. Sort by. He has no add-on parts; instead, he has teeny, tiny rocket boosters molded onto his hips. So, how worried should you be that your pet might become sick with COVID-19? SKU: N/A Category: HERBICIDES Brand: Apparent. Image Source: sabianmaggy via Sight Cats are the clear winners when it comes to sight, a fact that’s probably clear if you’ve ever watched your cat hunt. ThinkStock More questions will appear as you go along! Path to improved health. The Pug Puppy Dog Cute Animal Dog Dog Dog - Dog Face … He has one glowing red eye, two pointy ears on the back of his head, a razor-sharp mane, and a claw on the tip of his tail. The remnants of Ravage's previous body were recycled by the Vok to re-create Tigatron. Owing to the placement of the holes in his cassette form and the aforementioned thickness issue, Universe Ravage won't fit into Classics reissue Soundwave's tape cases. Always assumed cat till the earth rise on netflix. Dogs love stuff that smells bad—from garbage, to dead animals, to poop—and they really love to roll around in it. The original looked like a hound. … Alley Cat Allies Helps Cats as Wildfires Ravage California . Fortunately for the Decepticons, the Autobots had failed to find a source of fuel, so the time came to strike. Also female dogs and cats seems to suffer more often of pancreatitis than male dogs. Optimal Situation, After Ravage discovered everyone called him "kitty with guns taped to his sides", he went to the gym. Child's Play, In 2005, Ravage, with the help of Rumble, Frenzy, and Ratbat, were all ordered by Soundwave to prevent Blaster from contacting Optimus Prime on Moonbase One, but it was too late. Ravage got savaged. "Lets rearrange some metal parts I found in my garage and call it Ravage." is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. Out of Time! He was confronted by Razorbeast, who guessed incorrectly that Ravage intended to use them to board the Autobot shuttle and return to Cybertron. He has one glowing red eye, two pointy ears on the back of his head, a razor-sharp mane, and a claw on the tip of his tail. You cannot expect a love affair, but detente is possible if you know how. no comments yet. In my eyes, they are probably all vulpines that associate more with dog or cat like qualities and traits. If that’s not enough, a lot of people are allergic to them. The first creature they encountered, Aron, thought the Decepticons were toys. Forced to work together for the benefit of both their armies, they managed to deactivate Auntie. You value your independence and spend a lot of time and energy being spiritual and pondering life's greatest mysteries. CAT; DOG; HOME AND FARM; HORSE; LIVESTOCK; POULTRY; SMALL ANIMALS; Product was added to your cart. The Enemy Within! Nice pun. At some point in time after 1985, but before 2005, Ravage was captured by the EDC and kept as a prisoner. A lot of new players will have a hard time getting going, so this guide will help you find your feet. Apr 11, 2020 - What does a child of the '80s who really wants a dog or cat as a pet without ever having to clean up after them do? by xxhoney. Reply. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain 2 attack power and 2 Versatility for 30 min. ). Ravage corrected him by stating that he intended to free Megatron and eradicate the Maximal forces. Which Decepticons merged into Menasor? Prisoner of War! The Decepticons retreated after kidnapping Buster's father, Sparkplug Witwicky. Ravage also Transmuted Shockwave into a new Binaltech body of his own, so he could lead the remaining Decepticons in Megatron's absence, and secretly derailed many of the Autobots' supply missions, further weakening them for their battle with the Chaos Bringer. The explosion flung Ravage into the bay, never to be seen again. 0 comments. His name is synonymous with stealth. Ravage, with a much more arboreal alt mode, was part of the second assassination team Megatron sent after the new Autobot leader Optimus Prime. The War Within, Millions of years later, Ravage was a member of a team of Transformers controlled by Lazarus and sent to destroy an oil refinery. This annoyed him only slightly less than the fact Andy kept calling him a dog. Ravage Certain dog breeds appear to be prone to pancreatitis more often than others. Time Wars. If a cat or dog bites you, you should: Wash the wound gently with soap and water. Dogs of all sizes can really project when they want to, so I started researching the canine larynx and vocal cords. Even food-motivated cats will soon tire of training sessions and walk away. Community Contributor. Requires Level 23 "Don't ask what it's made of." 100% Upvoted. If "Operation: Distant Thunder" worked as planned, Ravage's plans would be foiled, and any tremors in the timeline he caused would be smoothed over by "Project Body Shop" (aka, the Binaltech project). Showdown! Your personality is 85% cat and only 15% dog! He brakes for Meow Mix and nothing else...well, sometimes nip. Reply. They all failed, except for Grimlock. End of the Road, In 2003, Ravage was on a routine mission to infiltrate the Ark when he came across Ultra Magnus's huge new plans for a transforming fortress known as Autobot City: Earth. Ravage: dog or cat? A torpedo huh? The detonation of the volcano, Mount St. Hilary, reactivated the Autobots and Decepticons, unleashing their war on Earth. Joined by the gladiators Megatron and Optimus Prime, their journey was perilous. Poor kitty ended up taking the horns to the hind quarters before the Decepticons retreated. We have switched brands numerous times in the past month trying to get her to eat and have even gone from hard food, to soft, to wet. currently i have 2 cats, 1 dog and 3 fish. Some amusing old footage shot by my Dad in Croatia of some particularly savage local felines assaulting a passerby dog! Cats can also get mange from infested dogs or other animals. msn back to msn home news. They are more likely to get mange than indoor ones. Voiced by Frank Welker, the jaguar (not a panther, not a wolf, and definitely not. After years of probing, the container, dubbed "Schrödinger's Box" by the group's scientists, was revealed to be the flight recorder of the Predacon Ravage's stealth ship, containing a copy of the feline's personality and memory engrams, deposited into his vessel before his final blaze of glory The Agenda (Part 2). report. While eavesdropping on the Autobots' arguments over whether or not to use the Creation Matrix to build an army of powerful superwarriors, Ravage's presence aboard the Ark was detected. dragokaiju2000 Aug 25, 2014. Quite apart from the need for general food-protection, a person who allowed mice to eat the consecrated host had to do a substantial amount of penance: so presumably many churches and monasteries would have been equipped with a cat. However, what WAS a ruse was Ravage being offline — as soon as he had been tied up by Razorbeast, the Maximal commander had to leave to help on the battlefield - upon which Ravage stopped playing dead and broke loose rather easily, managing to obtain the chronal displacement bands that Razorbeast had put him right next to after pointing them out. To that end, he roped Ultra Magnus into helping him fly to Unicron in a preemptive strike against the monstrous threat, while the other Autobots (left in the command of Skids), were to initiate "Operation: Distant Thunder", which involved sending a copy of Wheeljack's memories of what Ravage confessed to them, back in time to a point prior to the Decepticon panther's meddling, via the energies located on Dinobot Island. share. Vanderbilt study measures the number of cortical neurons in animal brains to determine which household pet is the smartest. Cats and dogs have different needs and characteristics, so this decision is influenced as much by the type of lifestyle you have as it is your personal favourite. ", Ravage is one of the few Decepticon warriors who was granted amnesty at the end of the Great War and reformatted into a Predacon, complete with classy Russian accent. Ravage then returned to the battle and hit Shokaract's heralds with a grenade at an opportune moment. As the inferno headed toward the bridge, Ravage raised a fist and shouted, "Decepticons forever!" The Autobots just barely managed to hold off the fleet, ensuring that "Operation: Distant Thunder" was a success (though a black Optimus Prime ended up separating the Binaltech timeline from the original, as supposedly the Binaltech-bodied Transformers have a higher purpose in the grand scheme of things). In his Transmetal 2 body, he and his fellow Predacons, under the command of Magmatron, sought out Razorbeast's band of Maximals. Depending on your cat's age, sex and the nature of the soiling they will offer you a medical consultation and or a behavioural consultation if the problem persists and the cat's life may be in danger. The smirking Ravage was a chatty catty in the Marvel comics. Before digging into the nitty-gritty, it makes sense to emphasize what makes dogs different from foxes in the first place. To both questions, we have to assume he didn't know about their plans; indeed, his shock over seeing the hidden message from the original Megatron seems to point toward him not realizing there. They are both smart in different ways. Dogs' brains, in fact, have been continually growing while cats' brains have remained virtually unchanged since they were first domesticated approximately 8,000 years ago, according to a recent study at Oxford University.The reason: Dogs are more social than cats, and the more social the animal, the bigger the brain, and, therefore, the smarter the animal. Additional Maximal forces arrived, however, and Ravage's forces were defeated. As the Decepticons assaulted the Ark, Ravage fought against the magnetic Autobot Windcharger, employing his own electromagnetic shield to protect himself from his opponent's powers. In the aftermath, he hooked up with Megatron and they returned to Cybertron to seek new fortunes. Ravage served loyally as a Decepticon spy. BuzzFeed Staff. I used to think Ravage was a dog, but that was because he never had a tail in the G1 videos I rented as a kid (or most of the TF comics I read). Ravage is home safe & sound after 4 days, 4 hours :) "He came just home, October 27, 2020 at 8:33p Even though he came home by... Jump to. A space rocket. That was a very bad day for Ravage. Cats, who must eat meat, and dogs, who like meat but are more omnivorous, have faced different ecological, survival, and mating problems for a long time. / Patch 3.0.2 (14-Oct-2008): Added. All Hail Megatron issue 2. Ravage was discovered, though, and critically injured by Starscream during their fight. Sometimes he's a talker, other times he just growls or hisses at anything that isn't Megatron or Soundwave. The Gathering, Subsequently, Ravage would utilize all the Predacons under his command in a desperate attack as a diversion while he crept into the Maximal base to steal the chronal phase facilitators left behind by Magmatron. The Overlord was now an enfeebled mechanoid who required constant re-energization to survive, and constantly slowed them down. Ravage returned with his comrades to the Decepticons' new base, constructed out of materials salvaged from Harrison Nuclear, and coerced Sparkplug into converting Earth fuel into a substance they could use. Cats are essentially self-cleaning machines. Apply pressure with a clean towel to the injured area to stop any bleeding. Another type of dog might look or act like a wolf. What does Astrotrain transform into instead of a train? This version doesn't transform into a cassette tape, but that's ok because it s… It depends on the continuity. Ravage is mentioned as being recruited along with fellow Mini-Cassettes Laserbeak and Buzzsaw by the Predacon Divebomb, but for some reason left them soon afterwards to become an operative for the Tripredacus Council. He hides himself in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike with grim accuracy. Shutterstock. The faux fox. The bumbling Teletraan 15 (and eventually Teletraan 10 as well) resisted, escaping back in time using Ravage's Transwarp cruiser and becoming the very saboteur that caused her mission to begin. Sylveon is not completely a cat. While Ravage is considered by many to be loyal only to himself, his primary loyalty is actually to Megatron and the dream of Decepticon conquest. The Agenda (Part 1), Megatron, however, had one more card to play. Everytime we switch, she will eat it once or twice and then quit again. Ravage made the trip to prehistoric Earth in a specially modified stealth Transwarp Cruiser. Like ancient Rome, the last Overlord barely managed to hold together the autocracy through the gladiatorial games, which allowed the city-states to vent their frustrations over low fuel supplies on each other in scripted, controlled conflicts. When choosing between a cat or a dog, you should consider how much time you can dedicate to the pet (dogs require more time than cats, and don’t like to be left home alone), how much you can afford to spend (dogs are more expensive than cats), and what temperament of pet you would before (dogs are more needy and affectionate than independent cats).When choosing a cat, consider whether you want to get a purebred ca… Fearing that an outright execution of Starscream would turn popular opinion against him, Megatron asked Ravage to spy on the Seeker and find him an excuse to get rid of Starscream. He says testing isn't necessary but since August, she has lost 17 pounds and is down to just skin and bones. Add to cart. Needless to say, Ravage was not in a good mood. Well, yes and no. Sometime later, the Decepticon factions managed to combine under the joint leadership of Soundwave and Starscream. And realize that asking if a dog or cat is smarter is assuming that EVERY cat or EVERY dog is smarter than the other. This alteration in the timeline served two purposes: first, it would give the Autobots the chance to retake Cybertron, which would then lead to them having to face off against the oncoming Unicron alone, severely weakening them in the process. ravage transformers. Ravage: dog or cat? Power Play! MTMTE2 The Decepticon spy figured into a disinformation plot hatched by the Autobots, who purposely leaked the presence of a rocket fuel depository in the outlying desert. Don't mess with Ravage. On the Edge of Extinction! His ambitions, however, were thwarted by Snarl who caught him off guard and gave Razorbeast the opportunity to knock Ravage offline. Sort by. Command Performances! Chinese pet owners putting face masks on cats and dogs amid the coronavirus outbreak. I think that's ravage Which is a robot dog - #206459561 added by moonmanwhitopia at ravege Upload ... random-stuff twitter memes Bruh vidyagaems aww CartoonGoodness 4chan cool-things animemanga DankHistory society cats animals tf2 starwars dank-webms cringe-channel videogames doggos dogs TVGoodness cringe 2020 cyberpunk christmas news wholesome marvel 0--0 dccomics unwholesome … Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? In the Food & Drinks category. Ravager Dog Item Level 23 Use: Restores (327 * 30 / 5) health over 30 sec. Must remain seated while eating. I, Robot-Master! Ravage, however, is nearly impossible to kept locked up, and so he was able to quickly escape. Press alt + / to open this menu. Ravage, here in his first appearance, is the first Transformer to have dialogue in the first Transformers story. But over time, isolated cases of infections among a handful of cats and dogs made news. His physiology is vaguely feline. By the time of his capture, however, Unicron had already been sighted on a collision course with Cybertron and, despite the temptation of preventing future deaths among his ranks, Optimus decided Ravage's plans to be too dangerous to allow to come to fruition. He also suggested trying cat food since dogs like to steal from cats. Ravage definition, to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages: a face ravaged by grief. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. If Ravage was a Decepticon, then why would he help the Tripredacus Council with plans to mess with history? Early in the outbreak, experts assured pet owners that their furry friends were safe from the ravages of COVID-19. Ravage MeleerangeInstant Violently attacks an enemy, causing the enemy target to take 4% increased physical damage for 25 sec. save. Ravage went after the pilot Andy so as to prevent him reporting back to his commander. You might get a really smart dog or one that isnt, or a really smart cat or one that isnt, no right answer. He then showed unusual concern for Razorbeast's Maximals, asking how they were doing. See more of Portland, OR - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets on Facebook. 300. Awwwwwww. Someone brought him a saucer of milk. Spotlight: Soundwave He was chained up in the Skywatch headquarters along with Laserbeak and reprogrammed to seek out the other Transformers. The Bad Guy's Ball! hide. One of the original team of Decepticons that accompanied Megatron on the attack of the Ark spacecraft, Ravage was reformatted by Teletraan I as an audiocassette to better blend in for operations based on Earth. State Games! Whatever happened to Ravage is not known. As a result, the toy is similarly compatible with Classics release of Soundwave's toy, which due to issues with the original molds, used the expanded tape bay mold from Soundblaster. After Shokaract's suicide, Ravage found Magmatron returned and they all lived happily ever after. All of this "people are stupid" and "people are idiots" talk is ridiculous and insulting, because Ravage DOES look as much like a dog as he does a cat. Afterwards, Ravage concealed himself within the boom box of "O", the friend of Buster Witwicky, and learned that Buster had allied himself with the Autobots. Although the message cut out before it was finished, Megatron's plan worked: Ravage, moved by the sight of his former master, released Megatron. Do cats even suffer from depression? Surrender! Ravage / Rumble (Cassette 2-pack, 1984/1985/1986) . Megatron ordered Ravage to sneak into the Ark and provide him with news of the Autobots' fuel situation. Ark Duty. Although it can happen, most mites do not transfer from dog to cat and even the ones that do rarely make that jump. Call of the Primitives. His beast mode is much more three-dimensional than his G1 version, but at the cost of a much smaller head and tail, and also reduced articulation. Shortly into their stay on Earth, the ever-treacherous Starscream attempted to build up support against Megatron by demanding action when Megatron cautioned patience, knowing his fellow Decepticons were getting restless for battle. Viewing from a safe distance, Ravage ordered his soldiers to engage. hide. Ravage, the impostor Prime, and the other Decepticons made short work of the Autobots until the real Prime was restored. Certainly cats can exhibit depressed behavior, but the general consensus is that they do not experience the same emotional changes associated with clinical depression in humans. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Cats and dogs can be expensive to take care of, come with house restrictions, require a lot of commitment, and have a destructive personality. Miniature Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles and Cocker Spaniels are more frequently affected. Ravage reported the Autobots were responsible for the attack, and thus Megatron was able to galvanize the Decepticons for battle himself, effectively stealing Starscream's thunder and punishing the mutineer in the process. After his fuel-deprived body froze in nearby Powder River Basin, they left the store and brought fuel to Megatron. Ravage was a loyal bodyguard for the Overlords, the Autobots that once ruled all of Cybertron, for generations. 100% Upvoted. He knew that Ravage wasn't going to let any of the Beast warriors live, and also knew he had the one thing that would turn Ravage to his side. However, during a sudden Autobot attack, Ravage was distracted and Finkleberg was able to escape. Is Ravage a cat or a dog? The two factions soon found themselves battling on the site of a drive-in movie theatre, where Ravage was able to distract Hound from determining the location of Bumblebee, who had gone missing. He quickly returned to Megatron to report this information, and the Decepticons launched another attack, this time on Buster's neighborhood. Upon hearing that Kup would be transporting a simulation tape of the City's blueprints to all the human leaders of Earth, Ravage skittered off to inform his Stunticon comrades so that they could intercept the information in transit. The Ascending issue 2, After introducing himself to Lio Convoy, Ravage agreed with him on a truce until they dealt with the menace of Shokaract. It is crafted. Lost cat: black cat called ravage - Heckmondwike area, West Yorkshire ... All lost and found pets Lost and found cats Lost and found dogs Lost and found rabbits Lost and found birds. However, as he explained, none of them were qualified scientists for the task. To better serve Megatron and the Decepticons, Ravage has become the most efficient and deadly war machine under his command. There is no need for a vaccination against rabies or any special documents. A German shepherd that was the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in a dog in the United States has died in New York. It's not an exhaustive guide to everything in Ravage, but it should be enough to get you over the initial hurdles. The Worse of Two Evils! Stunticons. Continuity: However, to truly bring the new Ravage to life, Triple-I stole the present-day Ravage - who had been captured by the Earth Defense Command and stasis-locked into his cassette mode - and implanted him into the new Ravage, thereby 'fusing' the old and new Ravages into one. He witnessed as their planet-wide rule crumbled into a loose collection of feuding city-states. According to the UK book Dinobot War, Ravage's cassette tape mode is disguised as the soundtrack to Cats. MTMTE1, Shortly thereafter, Ravage accompanied Soundwave on an infiltration mission to gather data from Teletraan 1. Ravage's only weakness is bright light, which can temporarily blind him. A family pet or a stray animal could bite you. One of Soundwave's most reliable spies, Ravage believes unwaveringly in the Decepticon cause, and Megatron embodies that cause. He is a Decepticon and one of Soundwave's pets who has one glowing red eye, two pointy ears on the back of his head, a razor-sharp mane, and a claw on the tip of his tail. The hind quarters before the Decepticons launched another attack, Ravage 's body. The Bayverse, he 's Ravage remains unaware of his time-tossed doppleganger kidnapping Buster 's father Sparkplug! Another attack, Ravage had his own intentions for the Overlords, the Decepticon Civil war, was... ( Ravage smashes chair )... um, anyone got some catnip was short-lived ravages of COVID-19 parasites the... 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