Every member of the Straw Hat crew, with the exception of Luffy, has either lost their family, was disowned by them, or is downright unaware of their situation. Immediately after the Water 7 saga came to a conclusion, we were introduced to Brook– the Straw Hat with the most tragic past! Speculation Which Straw Hats will be getting "proper" backstories?? The intensity of this backstory is visibly more severe than the aforementioned ones. Usopp's upbringing might've been one without parents, but he did have people close to him who he could share his emotions with. Asadora! However, in 1969, the founders decided to sell the chain to the Saga Corporation. Franky’s backstory is where Oda ups the notch. 3) Nami 4) Chopper 5) Sanji, remember that he also lost his friends/colleges when that first ship sank in the storm. Yamato already desire go on adventure like rest the straw hats 2. Obviously also the backstories of the other Mugi are sad, but not as sad as those that I just said, IMHO. One of the Greatest Mysteries solved?? It's weird how we know so much about Luffy's childhood, yet at the same time, we know absolutely nothing. And it just so happens that the aforementioned topics are what he enjoys wasting his ink on the most. One that started with Robin losing not only her mother, but also her entire country! Tags: Anyway I think that the saddest backstory is that of Robin, along with that of Brook. Nico Robin: Joined crew, quit crew, showed backstory true member of crew. His best friend died at a young age. Frankly, the backstories of Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp are all very close on the tragic scale. Sailing. Fueled by the Saga Corporation, Straw Hat Pizza grew to 230 stores by 1980. Imagine living with corpses of all the people that you… Sanji has been abused physically and emotionally throughout (most likely) his whole childhood. One that started with Robin losing not only her mother, but also her entire country! With such strong writing, it’s no wonder One Piece stands out. One Piece is a manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. Her nightmare only ended with her iconic “I want to live!” bellow. The intensity of this backstory is visibly more severe than the aforementioned ones. Add to Favourites. It’s frankly commendable how Brook managed to endure 50 years of sorrow and loneliness. There's another bigger backstory about her childhood and relationship with Kaido to come, which should totally confirm it, but unless she decides randomly to go with Marco or something at the end of the arc then she's going with the Strawhats, specifically to fufill her dream of adventuring like Oden. Zoro is undoubtedly the Straw Hat we know the least about. Which Straw Hat has the saddest backstory and which Straw Hat has the least saddest? It's weird how we know so much about Luffy's childhood, yet at the same time, we know absolutely nothing. All the while trying to keep himself from going insane.Chopper. E. ven subsequent to the Ohara incident, Robin had to stay on the run for 20 years, experiencing multiple back-stabbings along the way. I think Nami has the saddest, just because her mom was shot in front of her, and then she became a slave of the people who did it. Nami’s backstory and the Arlong Park arc complement each other to produce one of the series’ most emotionally charged… His childhood appears to be covered in layers upon layers of mystery. She was a lonely, sad girl who was emotionally abused by relatives, shunned and hated by kids her age, and the one place where she felt loved and accepted dashed her hopes of joining the Poneglyph research team. New … least saddest I would say is probably Luffys. Created Jan 14, 2010. Adding up the shocking demise of Fisher Tiger and the division of the Sun Pirates, we can safely say that Jinbe's past was a bitter story of an everlasting inner-conflict. Join. The largest social network for all things One Piece related. A speech that alternates between beauty and sadness. Moreso, Chopper’s arc featured one of the series’ greatest/saddest moments– Dr. Hiriluk’s final speech. Usopp's upbringing might've been one without parents, but he did have people close to him who he could share his emotions with. hide. Each member of the Straw Hats has a backstory deep enough to bring fans to tears. Here are the backstories of the Straw Hat Pirates, ranked from least to most tragic. Robin’s tragic backstory wasn’t as simple as losing a loved one or getting disowned by them. It’s a backstory that spanned two full decades. RELATED: One Piece: Zoro's Best Fight From Every Saga, Ranked. The 5 Saddest Moments in One Piece. All of her people were killed, she only met her mom as she was dying, her first real friend sacrificed himself for her, and she's been hunted down because of her absurdly high bounty her entire life just because she learned to read some dead language. Ever since Chopper ate the devil fruit, he was hunted and beat up and chased out of towns. Hosted by AlterVista - His pre-human life where he was shunned by his herd, his post-human life where he was shunned by humans, and lastly, Dr.Hiriluk’s sad yet iconic passing. This thread is archived. We got a brief flashback brushing over a short period of his childhood earlier on in the series, and that was the extent of it. 7.8k. This made Straw Hat Pizza the largest chain on the West Coast at the time. 4 Attack On Titan: Levi Ackerman The saddest back story would have to be Chopper, followed by Robin. Franky’s backstory is where Oda ups the notch. Lost his mother when he was young. Discussion . Chopper’s backstory is most certainly one of the saddest among the Straw Hat … Nonetheless, that doesn't make it any less tragic. It’s a backstory that spanned two full decades. Which one, in your opinion, has had the saddest story of all?Robin. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The Straw Hat crew members didn't seem to really join the crew until after their true backstory was shown. The build-up, pacing, and execution were all phenomenal to say the least. Monet was a member of the Donquixote Family and she was working alongside Caesar Clown at Punk Hazard. It’s frankly commendable how Brook managed to endure 50 years of sorrow and loneliness. Literally losing everything he had except for … She already has motivation and desire to join luffy cause moving forward 4. And to make matters worse, she was forced to work for her mother’s murderers for more or less an entire decade. The WG comes to punish Ohara with a buster call, destroying everything and everyone she loved, forced from that point onwards to run away from widespread legal persecution and deeply hateful people who told her she was a “demon” for being alive. 6 days left View Result . Joy_Boy Theories 182,483 views Straw Hats. Here are the backstories of the Straw Hat Pirates, ranked from least to most tragic. Each of the Straw Hats has had a sad past which can be considered depressing to straight heartbreaking. Brook's at the top for me (surprise), but genuinely because it is the saddest backstory of the SHs so far. She had to live with Arlong for most of her life, only to be completely betrayed at the end when Arlong didn’t keep his part of the deal. Each of them might've lost a person dear to them, but they more or less moved on with it and found some sort of happiness while doing so. Our knowledge only stretches to him meeting Shanks, Ace, and Sabo; every event prior to that still remains in the dark. Nami: Joined crew, quit crew, showed backstory, True Member of Crew. Chopper’s case falls on the former two scenarios. stands at the top of the anime platform. Nami’s backstory and the Arlong Park arc complement each other to produce one of the series’ most emotionally charged backstories. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? From that point on, Franky’s life witnessed many spikes; both ups and downs. Not a pretty picture. Being alone for 50 years, loosing all the people you care about. That moment alone set the, Robin’s tragic backstory wasn’t as simple as losing a loved one or getting disowned by them. Basically at fault for the alleged death of his mentor. etc. Some were not that tragic, while others certainly do deserve a mention. Sanji: Joined crew, quit crew (Whole Cake Island), showed backstory true member of crew. Disclaimer - Luffy. Characters with poor, or otherwise nonexistent, backstories often tend to burn out way faster than their counterparts with a good one. Everything starts with him getting disowned and left to die by his pirate parents. 6) Franky 7) Usop 8) Zoro But having said so, it should also be mentioned that receiving inhumane treatment from one’s own family can be much harder than losing a loved one. Discussion in ' General One Piece Discussion ' started by Deleted member 15426 , Mar 23, 2016 . Which member of the Straw Hat Pirates has the saddest backstory? RELATED: One Piece: The 10 Most Tragic Backstories In The Series, Ranked. Like Father, Like Son: 10 Times Boruto Was Just Like Naruto, My Hero Academia: 5 Characters Who Would Pass The Hunter Exam (& 5 Who Would Fail), My Hero Academia: 10 Quirks That Cause Too Much Collateral Damage, One Piece: Every Fight Where Luffy Was Stronger Than His Opponent (But Still Lost), 10 Toxic Relationships In Anime That Aren't About Romance, Naruto: Tsunade's 5 Greatest Strengths (& Her 5 Worst Weaknesses), Naruto: 5 Shinobi Temari Could Defeat (& 5 She'd Lose To), Hunter X Hunter: 10 Amazing Gon Cosplay You Have To See, My Hero Academia: 5 Best Offensive Quirks (& 5 Best Support Quirks), Naruto: 10 Strongest Shinobi Who Fought In The Second Great Ninja War, 10 Ways The Pokémon Adventures Manga Could Replace The Anime, Kill La Kill: 5 Ways Satsuki Is A Hero (& 5 She's A Villain). Imagine watching all your loved ones dying before your own eyes. Big props to him for managing to live through such experience without losing it. Zoro’s Sacrifice One Piece has without a doubt some of the saddest, most emotional moments in anime. That moment alone set the One Piece backstory bar extremely high. Each member of the Straw Hats has a backstory so deep it could bring a grown man to tears. Topic Archived; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Some speculate that the currently ongoing. Vol. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Devil Fruits That Are Insanely Underrated. Adopted mother was murdered in front of her when she was young. Jinbe's past could be broken down into several pieces. The tragic nature of his past lies in him overcoming his hate and living up to Queen Otohime's ideals. Her nightmare only ended with her iconic “I want to live!” bellow. Robin. save. My Hero Academia: 10 Characters Whose Potential Were Already Wasted, Iron Fist - Heart of the Dragon #1 Celebrates the Marvel Martial Artist, Future State: Nightwing #1 Puts the Boy Wonder Back in the Spotlight, Future State: Superman - Worlds of War #1 Expands the Hero's Legacy, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 Is a Neon-Lit Fantasy, Savage #1 Gives Valiant's Ultimate Survivalist a Punk Rock Relaunch. NEXT: One Piece: The Known Bounty Of Every Blackbeard Pirate, Ranked From Lowest To Highest. Wouldn't it be epic if there are 4 remaining spots for future Strawhats nakama and it would be 4 former Shichibukai members?! Moreso, Chopper’s arc featured one of the series’ greatest/saddest moments– Dr. Hiriluk’s final speech. Each of them might've lost a person dear to them, but they more or less moved on with it and found some sort of happiness while doing so. 597k. Who has the saddest backround in the straw hat crew Anime and Manga - Other Titles This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Like 0. His father figure, as well as mentor, fell victim to the World Government’s dirty schemes. report. From that point on, Franky’s life witnessed many spikes; both ups and downs. Saddest definitely goes to Brook/Robin. Robin. Our knowledge only stretches to him meeting. He met a wonderful new family, and came this close to losing said family. Chopper’s case falls on the former two scenarios. Moreso, an author providing an elaborate backstory is their way of providing a bridge to connect the character in question with the viewer– what better way is there to connect with someone other than getting to know them more? Second has to be Robin. He has a sad backstory,right but the story is not affecting us anymore like it did the week of that episode/chapter's release.I'm saying that by not joining around the time his backstory was told,it's not bringed with him as it was bringed with the other Straw Hats and due to the distance between the events,I really don't think he will join. His mother passed away and his father left when he was young. He was all alone, scared, hurt, depressed (im sure) angry, etc. Straw Hat Pizza did incredibly well and was able to expand. Definitely Brook has the saddest past. The author of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, just happens to be one of the best with regards to weaving deep backstories. Usopp. In the grand scheme of things, Luffy's past appears to be just about lighter than anyone else's. Each of the Straw Hats has had a sad past which can be considered depressing to straight heartbreaking. Some might argue that Sanji’s backstory is much lighter than Nami’s, and they might be correct. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. 75% Upvoted. Suliman is an avid consumer of manga, anime, light novels, and the likes. Nonetheless, that doesn't make it any less tragic. Report Abuse If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Big props to him for managing to live through such experience without losing it. I was just curious who you thought had the saddest backstory? Which Strawhat had the saddest backstory? Copied; Likes (0) Comments (0) Copied; Like . A speech that alternates between beauty and sadness. Sad Backstories of the Straw Hats. She had to betray entire organizations in order to survive, and never found a company of friends until she joined the Straw Hats.Nami. It was Robin before imo, but after WCI, I think the saddest backstory goes to sanji. 10 Creepy Anime Characters Who Wouldn't Fly Today, One Piece: Ranking The Straw Hats' Backstories, From Least Tragic To Most Tragic, One Piece: The 10 Most Tragic Backstories In The Series, Ranked, One Piece: Zoro's Best Fight From Every Saga, Ranked, One Piece: 5 Women Nami Can Beat (& 5 She Can't), One Piece: The Known Bounty Of Every Blackbeard Pirate, Ranked From Lowest To Highest, Naruto: 10 Strongest Shinobi Alive After The Fourth Great Ninja War, Madara: 5 Anime Villains That Should Be Able To Beat Him (& Why They Can't), 10 Anime Plotlines From The 90s That Would Not Fly Today, Naruto Uzumaki's 9 Strongest Rasengan, Ranked. With the intention of stopping the Straw Hat Pirates in their paths, Monet joined forces with Vergo and Caesar and tried her best to make sure that Doflamingo's SAD … - One Piece - Duration: 16:52. Nico Robin has the saddest backstory on the Straw Hat crew. Zoro. We are in the dark about his origins, parents, and any relatives for that matter. The God Of High School: Jin Mori VS Bam — Who Would Win? He was rejected by his real family. The INSANE Secret of the Grand Line!?! Every member of the Straw Hat crew, with the exception of Luffy, has either lost their family, was disowned by them, or is downright unaware of their situation. Everything starts with him getting disowned and left to die by his pirate parents. The feeling of being unwanted can easily break a human being to pieces and Sanji had to bear with it at a very early age. He got abused by his own family, to the point his father faked his death and locked him in jail and iron mask, then just after he's free from his family, all his cook acquaintance died (I forgot the ship name, but it was the one with wine bottle) and he got stranded in rock island with no food for 85 days. The Most Saddest Backstory with The Straw Hats? To put it into perspective, Nami had to watch her adoptive mother get killed in front of her. I was watching the Funi version of Bon Voyage, and it reminded me of how each member (Franky & Brook included) has a sad backstory. Men they lost all the people precious to them and lived a very sad life from that moment, before meeting Luffy. I believe we are getting sad backstory in possible act 4 or act 5. - Privacy Policy. Even subsequent to the Ohara incident, Robin had to stay on the run for 20 years, experiencing multiple back-stabbings along the way. His father figure, as well as mentor, fell victim to the. Lost his “adopted” brother at a young age, and was at fault for his hero sustaining a major injury.Franky. Essentially killed the one man who was nice enough to take him in. Losing every last nakama (save for one, who he didn't even know for certain was alive), dying, being lost and alone for 50 years. Immediately after the Water 7 saga came to a conclusion, we were introduced to Brook– the Straw Hat with the most tragic past! The series was first introduced in 1997 and is still ongoing. Sanji. Each of the Straw Hats has had a sad past which can be considered depressing to straight heartbreaking. Some speculate that the currently ongoing Wano arc will be the arc where Zoro's entire past gets unveiled. Apr 20, 2020 1 min read. In the grand scheme of things, Luffy's past appears to be just about lighter than anyone else's. She was a lonely, sad girl who was emotionally abused by relatives, shunned and hated by kids her age, and the one place where she felt loved and accepted dashed her hopes of joining the Poneglyph research team. Rejected by his race, attacked and feared by another. In this sense, a good backstory can more or less equate to greater character potential. share. By 1968 it had grown to 20 locations. Neither people or animals accepted him into their ranks. A well-written backstory is essential for a character’s development. I have a feeling on who’s gonna “win” though :cry: Share to. Bartholomew Kuma erase Straw Hat pirates (SAD) in sabaody Reaction Mashup He met a wonderful new family, and came this close to losing said family. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 65 comments. It was between Robin, Chopper, and Nami for me. Brook. This is what I would prefer, Vivi in particular, but Pedro is giving me some strong vibes this arc. Which one, in your opinion, has had the saddest story of all? RELATED: One Piece: 5 Women Nami Can Beat (& 5 She Can't). Frankly, the backstories of Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp are all very close on the tragic scale. Watching his entire crew slowly die, then spending an entire 50 years drifiting on a derelict ship with nothing but himself and the skeletal remains of his crew to keep him company. 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