Genesis 1:4 King James Version (KJV). Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.. Ver. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Psalm 104:31) also condemns all Manichæan theories, and asserts that this world is a noble home for man, and life a blessing, in spite of its solemn responsibilities. (e). 7. l. 243, &c. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. The Story of Creation. 352 pages, softcover from P & R. Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary (9780875526195) by C. John Collins He shows how later biblical and intertestamental writers have used Genesis 1–4, and reflects on how these chapters shape a Christian worldview today. And if the light be so good, how good must he be who is the fountain of it, from whom we receive it, and to whom we owe all praise for it, and all the services we do by it. de Gen.) (Haydock). This not only reveals aspects of the Creator"s character, but it also prepares the reader for the tragedy of the Fall (ch3). In Day Six, both “male and female” are created (Gen. 1:27), and Genesis … Unrest and Civil Religion. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.” In obedience to the second call, Abraham left Haran. Exodus 10:21-23; 1 Samuel 2:9; Job 3:4-5; Psalm 35:6; Joel 2:2). 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Each day"s work called "good", except the 2nd, because nothing created on that day: only division made. But for me that was the most interesting part, and so I will limit my remarks to this subject. God saw the light, &c. — He beheld it with approbation, as being exactly what he designed it to be, pleasant and useful, and perfectly adapted to answer its intended end. Psalms 104:31) also condemns all Manichæan theories, and asserts that this world is a noble home for man, and life a blessing, in spite of its solemn responsibilities. God has thus divided between light and darkness, because he would daily impress upon our minds that this is a world of mixture and changes. The intelligence of the Supreme Being, His concern with and His interest in the affairs of His creation, and His personal preference for that which is "good" appear as legitimate deductions from what is revealed here. God called him while he was in Mesopotamia; however, Genesis 12:1–4 shows God calling Abraham in Haran after his father’s death. Besides, the relationship between sun, moon, and the earth did not appear until the fourth day, and this is the first day. Greenery and animal life appear. This refutes the doctrine of the two principles, the one good and the other evil, which the Persian sages have devised in order to account for the presence of moral and physical evil along with the good in the present condition of our world. saw. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. In Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary, C. John “Jack” Collins offers a detailed exposition of the Pentateuch’s opening chapters and interacts with key introductory issues such as authorship and provenance. Good; beautiful and convenient: --- he divided light by giving it qualities incompatible with darkness, which is not any thing substantial, and therefore Moses does not say it was created. "And God saw the light that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.". To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, God divided the light from the darkness -, "And God saw the light that it was good. Genesis 6:1-4 speaks of the universal degeneration of man into ungodliness prior to the equally uni-versal, worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-9. And God divided between the light and the darkness, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. [1 Corinthians 5:1] For what fellowship hath light with darkness? Paradise Lost, B. The phrase, “In the beginning,” “anticipates the ‘end’ of the universe and … 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible Genesis 1:4. On the one hand, it is an orderly, light-filled moment (hence the choice of this text for Epiphany). Genesis 1:4. And God divided . Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 2:1-4 Are Adam And Eve For Real? It seems highly improbable that the creation of light merely means the making of light visible upon the earth. Commentary on Genesis 4:19-24 (Read Genesis 4:19-24) One of Cain's wicked race is the first recorded, as having broken the law of marriage. Sadly, many modern theologians pay little attention to this passage because they hold the pedestrian view that “the sons of God” refers to the godly line of Seth. It is, however, even more probable that the ultimate results of each creative word are summed up in the account given of it. b. Jesus quoted Genesis as if it were a purely historical record (Matthew 19:4-6 and 23:35). But he does it for our sake, to teach us that God has made nothing without a certain reason and design. And surely it could not be more properly applied than at the first, to that light, which, as Cowley calls it, is, "Active Nature's watchful life and health, Her joy, her ornament, and wealth.". Commentary on Genesis 1:3-5 (Read Genesis 1:3-5) God said, Let there be light; he willed it, and at once there was light. That it was good.—As light was a necessary result of motion in the world-mass, so was it indispensable for all that was to follow, inasmuch as neither vegetable nor animal life can exist without it. What make owls at Athens? It was inevitable that in the creation of all things there were countless facts about it that were incapable of being revealed to the finite intelligence of mortal man. (1) A simple factual statement regarding God’s work as Creator. For the manner in which light is supposed to be produced, see Genesis 1:16, under the word sun. John Trapp Complete Commentary. Modern Bible students have many other ideas. He observed with approbation that it was pleasant and amiable, agreeable to God’s purpose and man’s use; and made a distinction or separation between them in place, time, and use, that the one should succeed and shut out the other, and so by their vicissitudes make the day and the night. But the repeated approval by the Deity of each part and portion of this material universe (comp. Oh, the power of the word of God! 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 3 And God said,(J)“Let there be light,” and there was light. Here the moral rectitude of God is vindicated, inasmuch as the work of His power is manifestly good. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Though the darkness was now scattered by the light, it has its place, because it has its use: for as the light of the morning befriends the business of the day, so the shadows of the evening befriend the repose of the night. by C. John Collins. Genesis 1-4 by C. John Collins. What, then, is the significance of these verses to the beliefs of the Christian? Setting all of the debates on models and interpretations aside, the chapter undeniably insists on one thing: God means to be known as the Creator of all things. Genesis 1 shows that He is a God of order and that He has a distinct purpose for each step He takes. (1-4) Jacob remembers God’s promise. 1 In the beginning(A)God created(B)the heavens(C)and the earth. Comfort in Remembering God's Judgments of … The division on the first day does not imply that darkness has a separate and independent existence, but that there were now periods of light and darkness; and thus by the end of the first day our earth must have advanced far on its way towards its present state. [2 Peter 2:13] It was a shame that it should be said, There was never less wisdom in Greece, than in the time of the seven wise men of Greece. "And God divided the light from the darkness ..." This statement is enigmatical, and that should not surprise us. Free shipping for many products! . [Psalms 97:11] Which when one made question of - "That’s a blind man’s question," said the philosopher. Genesis 1:4 Context. First, Genesis 2:4 uses the term “created” (bara) which matches the language of Genesis 1:1, 21, 27. And who knows what will come of that! In Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary, C. John “Jack” Collins offers a detailed exposition of the Pentateuch’s opening chapters and interacts with key introductory issues such as authorship and provenance. For whereas man ought to apply all his senses to the admiring contemplation of the works of God, (56) we see what license he really allows himself in detracting from them. 4. Genesis 6:1-4 fascinates many Bible readers because of the mysterious identity of both “the sons of God” and the Nephilim. That it was good— The word טוב tob, signifies not only what is goodly and pleasant in itself, but what is useful and fit for the end to which it is designed. God saw "that it was good." Divided between the light and between the darkness. In Genesis 4 and 5 the human race is divided into two main groups: the descendants of Cain (Gen. 4: 17-24) and those of Seth ( verses 25, 26). Occurs 7 times in Introduction. Occurs twice. - Moveover he foresaw, so one renders it. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Genesis 1-4 : A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary by C. John Collins (2005, Perfect) at the best online prices at eBay! The very presence of light dispels darkness. c 4 God saw that the light was good. How far these separations had advanced before there were recurrent periods of light and darkness is outside the scope of the Divine narrative, which is not geological, but religious. Therefore nothing remains for us, but to acquiesce in this judgment of God. 4. God divided the light from the darkness - This does not imply that light and darkness are two distinct substances, seeing darkness is only the privation of light; but the words simply refer us by anticipation to the rotation of the earth round its own axis once in twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes, and four seconds, which is the cause of the distinction between day and night, by bringing the different parts of the surface of the earth successively into and from under the solar rays; and it was probably at this moment that God gave this rotation to the earth, to produce this merciful provision of day and night. —The first three creative days are all days of order and distribution, and have been called “the three separations.” But while on the first two days no new thing was created, but only the chaotic matter (described in Genesis 1:2) arranged, on day three there was the introduction of vegetable life. —The first three creative days are all days of order and distribution, and have been called “the three separations.” But while on the first two days no new thing was created, but only the chaotic matter (described in Genesis 1:2) arranged, on day three there was the introduction of vegetable life. In the opening verses of Genesis, God exhibits a certain creative style. But the meaning of the passage is, that the work, such as we now see it, was approved by God. "And God saw the light that it was good." In heaven there is perpetual light and no darkness; in hell, utter darkness and no light: but in this world they are counter-changed, and we pass daily from the one to the other, that we may expect the like vicissitudes in the providence of God. Truly light is sweet, says Solomon: it rejoiceth the heart. But the repeated approval by the Deity of each part and portion of this material universe (comp. (Genesis 1:1–6:8) The verse states that the light was good, and that God divided or separated the light from the darkness (see list of translations below). - Abram cheerfully followed the call of the Lord, and "departed as the Lord had spoken to him." by James M. Boice. Review: Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary User Review - James - Goodreads. As both a scientist and a Hebrew scholar, Collins fully enters into this thicket, examining how later intertestamental and New Testament writers shaped a Christian worldview. Genesis 3:7-15 The Way Back To God; Genesis 3:16-24 The Consequences Of The Fall; Genesis 4:1-15 Cain And Abel; Genesis 4:16-26 The Godly and Ungodly Lines; Genesis 5:1-27 Adams Book That is good in general which fulfills the end of its being. It therefore contradicts pantheism in all its forms. App-5. (b) What is it then to enjoy him that is light essential? God then separated the light from the darkness. The perception of things external to Himself is an important fact in the relation between the Creator and the creature. The immediate result was light; removed by a greater interval was the formation of an open space round the contracting earth-ball; still more remote was the formation of continents and oceans; but the separations must have commenced immediately that the “wind of Elohim” began to brood upon and move the chaotic mass. (l) Milton in the place above referred to says, it was divided by the hemisphere. Genesis 1 is nothing less than a bare-bones claim that God created the universe. On the other hand, God’s creational work exhibits a certain messiness, with the wind sweeping across the face of the waters. The division on the first day does not imply that darkness has a separate and independent existence, but that there were now periods of light and darkness; and thus by the end of the first day our earth must have advanced far on its way towards its present state. Recent Blog Posts. THE CONTEXT Genesis 1-11 tells the story of human history from the beginning to Abram. 7. l. 243, &c. ; and the one by certain constant revolutions is made to succeed the other; and by the motion of the one, the other gives way; as well as also God has divided and distinguished them by calling them by different names, as Aben Ezra, and is what next follows: divided the light from darkness — refers to the alternation or succession of the one to the other, produced by the daily revolution of the earth round its axis. It implies that the created thing is distinct from the creating Being, and external to Him. Even the oldest books in the Bible refer to it (forexample, Exodus 3:15; Job 28:25-29). No sooner did motion begin, than the separation of the air and water from the denser particles must have begun too. How far these separations had advanced before there were recurrent periods of light and darkness is outside the scope of the Divine narrative, which is not geological, but religious. Genesis 1:4. He … And he wasnot merely recording ancient history. Genesis 1:4 is the fourth verse of the first chapter in the Genesis.It is the response to God's command in verse 3, "Let there be light. The promise to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 12:1-4 marks one of the most dramatic transitions in the entire story of the Old Testament. The Platonists (who were blind in divinis, and could not see afar off) could say that he was a blessed man, who enjoyed God, as the eye doth enjoy the light. ", "And God divided the light from the darkness ...", and God divided the light from the darkness, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. As will be discussed in detail below, these verses either present a historical account, or make The judgment is merely another branch of the apprehensive or cognitive faculty, by which we note physical and ethical relations and distinctions of things. - God then separates light and darkness, by assigning to each its relative position in time and space. Now it came to pass after these things that Joseph was told, “Indeed your father is sick”; and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. 4And God saw the light Here God is introduced by Moses as surveying his work, that he might take pleasure in it. Second, Genesis 2 fills out the events of Day 6. CHAPTER 1. True Believers: Upright in Principle. Biblical Commentary Genesis 12:1-4a EXEGESIS: GENESIS 1-11. There is an ancient tradition that Moses wasthe author. Genesis 12:4 says, “So Abram left, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him. 1. [2 Corinthians 6:14] Surely none. Genesis 1:4. God's dividing the light from the darkness simply indicates a time previously when they were mingled; and there is no rational understanding on the part of men with reference to that prior state of mingled darkness and light. Moses presented God as knowing what was good for man (wise) and as providing that for him (loving). His age is given, because a new period in the history of mankind commenced with his exodus. St. Augustine supposes the fall and punishment of the apostate angels are here insinuated. The author was not merely collecting ancient stories. hosek) in Scripture often connotes evil (cf. Lewis wrote that when he heard a Biblical scholar claim the Genesis creation account was a myth, he didn’t want to know about the man’s credentials as a Biblical scholar. Removal to Canaan. He was then 75 years old. The text does not state that God made light visible, but that He created it. or such "spots," σπιλοι χαι μωμοι, among saints, as "count it pleasure to riot in the daytime?" Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. That it was good— The word טוב tob, signifies not only what is goodly and pleasant in itself, but what is useful and fit for the end to which it is designed. (See Note, Genesis 1:5.) It is, however, even more probable that the ultimate results of each creative word are summed up in the account given of it. Hitherto, one man had but one wife at a time; but Lamech took two. . And in the new creation, the first thing that is wrought in the soul is light: the blessed Spirit works upon the will and affections by … And God saw the light that it was good.] We do not know who wrote the Book of Genesis. * 1 In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth a — 2 * and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a mighty wind sweeping over the waters— b 3 Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light. . Ver. Paradise Lost, B. God saw the light, &c. — He beheld it with approbation, as being exactly what he designed it to be, pleasant and useful, and perfectly adapted to answer its intended end. c. C.S. (Calmet) --- While our hemisphere enjoys the day, the other half of the world is involved in darkness. Good it is surely, and a goodly creature: "sweet," saith Solomon; [Ecclesiastes 11:7] "comfortable," saith David. And this admonition is very useful. “In the beginning” (v. 1). 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 2:5-25 The First Man; Genesis 3:1-6 The Origin and Fact of the First Human Sin; Genesis 3:6 Why Did God Permit Sin? The Transition from Genesis 1-11 to Genesis 12: Deep Background In Genesis 1-11, God struggled with a repeatedly rebellious, violent, and corrupt humanity as a whole (Eden, Cain and Abel, Noah … Continue reading "Commentary on Genesis 12:1-4a" And we do not knowwhen that person wrote the book. . (D)2 Now the earth was formless(E)and empty,(F)darkness was over the surface of the deep,(G)and the Spirit of God(H)was hovering(I)over the waters. There were giants.] And surely it could not be more properly applied than at the first, to that light, which, as Cowley calls it, is, (d) It was a worse "shame," that it should be said to the Corinthians, that "some of them had not the knowledge of God"; [1 Corinthians 15:34] and that such fornication was found among them as was not heard of among the heathen. The world, which now is a palace, would have been a dungeon without it. Very pleasant and delightful, useful and beneficial; that is, he foresaw it would be good, of great service, as PicherellusF11In Cosmopoeiam, p. 267. interprets it; for as yet there were no inhabitants of the earth to receive any advantage by it; see Ecclesiastes 11:7 besides, it was doubtless good to answer some present purposes, to prepare for the work of the two following days, before the great luminary was formed; as to dispel the darkness of heaven, and that which covered the deep; to rarefy, exhale, and draw up the lighter parts of the chaos, in order to form the wide extended ether, the expanded air, and the surrounding atmosphere, while the Spirit of God was agitating the waters, and separating them from the earthy parts; and which also might serve to unite and harden those which were to form the dry land, and also to warm that when it appeared, that it might bring forth grass, herbs, and fruit trees: and God divided the light from the darkness: by which it should seem that they were mixed together, the particles of light and darkness; but "by what way is the light parted", severed and divided from darkness, is a question put to men by the Lord himself, who only can answer it, Job 38:24 he has so divided one from the other that they are not together at the same place and time; when light is in one hemisphere, darkness is in the otherF12Milton in the place above referred to says, it was divided by the hemisphere. (c), And God divided the light, &c.] - Let not us confound them, [2 Corinthians 6:14 1 Thessalonians 5:5-7] and so alter God’s order by doing deeds of darkness, in a day of grace, in a land of light. (4) And God saw.—This contemplation indicates, first, lapse of time; and next, that the judgment pronounced was the verdict of the Divine reason. In Genesis 6:1,2 this division is clearly recognized by referring to those who followed the Lord as "sons of God" and to the rest of humanity as "men." And we ought not so to understand the words of Moses as if God did not know that his work was good, till it was finished. Bible > Commentaries > Genesis 12:4 ... Genesis 12:4. (L. imp. Our morning shadows fall as far as they can toward the west, evening toward the east, noonday toward the north, &c. Alexander having a soldier of his name, that was a coward, he bade him either abandon the name of Alexander, or be a soldier. The Designations of our Lord in John and their Significance. Genesis 1:2). In fact, Genesis is a very carefulaccount, which teaches the main principles in … (See Note, Genesis 1:5.) The immediate result was light; removed by a greater interval was the formation of an open space round the contracting earth-ball; still more remote was the formation of continents and oceans; but the separations must have commenced immediately that the “wind of Elohim” began to brood upon and move the chaotic mass. Furthermore, Genesis 1 and 2 complement each other with key literary features. Genesis: An Expositional Commentary. This no doubt refers to the vicissitudes of day and night, as we learn from the following verse: and God divided the light from the darkness: by which it should seem that they were mixed together, the particles of light and darkness; but "by what way is the light parted", severed and divided from darkness, is a question put to men by the Lord himself, who only can answer it, Job 38:24 he has so divided one from the other that they are not together at the same place and time; when light is in one hemisphere, darkness is in the other (l); and the one by certain constant revolutions is made to succeed the other; and by the motion of the one, the other gives way; as well as also God has divided and distinguished them by calling them by different names, as Aben Ezra, and is what next follows: (k) In Cosmopoeiam, p. 267. Dr. Collins commentary on Genesis 1-4 is about much more than his view on the days of Genesis 1. Darkness was not a creation like light but the absence of light (cf. But we can see thatGenesis is a very old book. Darkness (Heb. No sooner did motion begin, than the separation of the air and water from the denser particles must have begun too. It comes immediately into view on observing the object now called into existence. "It is part of the Genesis creation narrative within the Torah portion Bereshit. This is an accessible commentary on the first four chapters of Genesis. The relation of good and evil has a place and an application in the physical world, but it ascends through all the grades of the intellectual and the moral. That form of the judgement which takes cognizance of moral distinctions is of so much importance as to have received a distinct name, - the conscience, or moral sense. The diurnal revolution of the earth, excluding the sun's light at night, is usually cited as the explanation of this; but we reject such an explanation, preferring to view it as something beyond the ability of men to understand it. App-5. Wordly things, are the only things that carnal, wicked people set their hearts upon, and are most clever and industrious about. (a) He saw this long before, but he would have us to see it; he commends the goodness of this work of his to us. divided. God Sees that His Work Is Good (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31) Back to Table of Contents Back to Table of Contents Against any dualistic notion that heaven is good while earth is bad, Genesis declares on each day of creation that “God saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25). In the beginning God created the … He is a God of awesome powers, moving mountains, seas, rivers, valleys, and vast oceans of atmosphere into place. God divided — Made a separation between the light and the darkness, as to time, place, and use, that the one should succeed and exclude the other, and that by their vicissitudes they should make the day and the night. It is a dismal history that includes the Fall (chapter 3), the murder of Abel (4:1-16), wickedness and the Flood (chapters 6-8), Noah's nakedness and That it was good.—As light was a necessary result of motion in the world-mass, so was it indispensable for all that was to follow, inasmuch as neither vegetable nor animal life can exist without it. And God divided . Genesis 5 Chapter 4 In this chapter we have both the world and the church in a family, in a little family, in Adam’s family, and a specimen given of the character and state of both in … Genesis 48 – Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons A. Jacob calls for his sons.

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