Unlike flails, yoyos are easier to control but they bounce off of enemies on impact. SUPER YOYO. For episode information, please visit the Episodes page. Your browser is out of date and no longer supported by YoYo Games. His Alphabet Toolbox has an Alphabet Map, a Lucky Letter Lasso, Brilliant Binoculars, a Mega Magnifying Glass and a Fabulous Flashlight in it. As they watch Super Why they are completely absorbed in the adventure of the story while engaging in challenging games and activities. When Kirby becomes a yo-yo trick-master he wears a backwards purple cap (differentiating from the Wheel ability's red cap) and wields a typical red and white yo-yo as his weapon. ?oldid=9918, For episode information, please visit the. The series resumed again in 2015. The Super Advanced-level yo-yo is an auto-return yo-yo with a metal bearing, modified body shape, and LED lights that activate as the yo-yo spins. To extend the Super Why literacy content and approach beyond television to surround children with literacy learning opportunities in all aspects of their lives. When she enters, she says, "Princess Pea at your service!" Your child can play along with each of the main characters from the TV series: Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red, and, of course, Super Why, while practicing the alphabet, rhyming, spelling, writing and reading. Super Why takes an innovative approach to learning by promoting reading as a powerful, meaningful experience for children aged 3 to 6 years old. Super Why is also called "The Reading Adventures of Super Why!". Super Yoyo Vol. Whyatt, Pig, Red Riding Hood, and Princess Pea then each appear at the Book Club before going inside as Whyatt then uploads the problem into the Super Duper Computer by plugging his PDA-like device into it. When she is introduced, she says "Red Riding Hood rolling in!" His symbol is a triangle. The Super Yo-Yo Super Advanced is a model of yo-yo in Megcorp's Super Yo-Yo toyline, released in 2009. Reading Adventure Toddler Black Long Sleeve Shirt Personalized Super Why! This appear in US network (PBS Kids) has a, In the French version of the show, Super Why! & Woofster To the Rescue Toddler Boy Royal Blue T-Shirt Personalized Super Why! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Each episode is a total of 25 minutes and up and follows a strict formula in each episode (except for rare occurrances). This was resolved in Season 2 when the producers refined the character models to have the characters express with their eyebrows, eyelids and mouth properly. In every episode one of the friends encounters a problem with another Storybrook Village character. Explore our theme of the week! Super Why, who has the Power to Read can even change a story ending and save the day! Explore our theme of the week! Alibaba.com offers 833 super yoyo products. To teach abstract, high order reading skills such as making inferences through theme comprehension. To offer literacy strategies so that kids know how and when to use these skills. 1. SuperYo. When Whyatt introduces himself at the Book Club, he says, "Whyatt here!" The series was serialized in Shogakukan 's CoroCoro Comic magazine between December 1997 and August 2000, and was translated into English and published in Singapore by Chuang Yi . He was a three-time Hawaii State Yo-Yo Champion, as well as a two-time U.S. National Champion in the 1990s. A wide variety of super yoyo options are available to you, such as material, gender, and certification. The character with the problem then stands behind a small lectern made of dominos and explains their situation. The final season of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD has seen Mack and his team caught up in a loose sort of Time War with an alien race known as the Chronicoms. Beginner Yoyo Tricks. It's then a parallel is drawn in which the character with a problem notices how the book characters face the same problem as they are right now. announced Super Why! Alex Garcia, A.K.A. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Learn how to yoyo. The show debuted on PBS stations on September 3, 2007 and went on hiatus on October 11, 2012. Learn how to yoyo quickly from these beginner yoyo trick videos! is an American-Canadian children's computer animated educational show developed by Angela C. Santomero and Samantha Freeman Alpert. The yoyo bag being used with the Amazon yoyo. Super Why and super readers are here to help your child with the critical skills they need to achieve the Power to Read. The series is produced by New York City-based Out of the Blue Enterprises and Toronto-based DHX Media through its Decode Entertainment division. She focuses on word families like "ON", "AT", "A", "UMP", "AND", etc. For Character information visit their pages. He also gains a bandage on his right cheek. In this form, he has a green mask, turbo sneakers, a blue cape, and a Why Writer. In the episode "Jack and the Beanstalk", it is revealed that Whyatt's older brother is Jack, the hero of the English folk tale Jack and the Beanstalk. Watch more of the latest Super WHY! The educational goals of the show are: To create lifelong readers who are motivated to read for pleasure and information, empowering them to use books as a resource for life. As they progress through the events of the story, they encounter obstacles, which can be solved by applying their literacy skills to change the story. Why Writer Adult T-Shirt, Gray Personalized Super Why! She focuses on spelling. He focuses on vocabulary. Yoyos are flail-like melee weapons that can be thrown and seek after the player's cursor when used. To stress to parents and caregivers the importance of reading to their children and the huge impact that reading will have on their children's success in life. videoshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQKw_soo5o7IqDZLoPFoDqTchl8UKjS--Watch all of our Super WHY! With curriculum guidelines established by the National Reading Panel, Super Why! But in the background, another mystery has been troubling the adventurers. Except for Whyatt, who then goes to the problem directly in order to see how it went. The series has many characters in books, and in Storybook Village. Browse. SUPER (computer programme), or Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer, a video converter / player Super (computer science), a keyword in object-oriented programming languages Super key (keyboard button) Films. For Character information visit their pages. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Enhanced_Yo-yo_Proficiency Each 24-minute reading adventure begins in Storybrook Village, a magical 3D world hidden behind the bookshelves in a children's library. is a CGI animated show developed by Angela C. Santomero and Samantha Freeman Alpert. (a.k.a. Ultra-fast Spinner) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takashi Hashiguchi. Princess Presto Toddler Girl's Long Sleeve Shirt Personalized Super Why! https://yoyo.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Yo-Yo_Super_Advanced?oldid=34322, The Stealth Raider name was also used by the. Super You is the television viewer. The series is produced by New York City-based Out of the Blue Enterprises and Toronto-based DHX Media through its Decode Entertainment division. "Ultra-fast Spinner") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takashi Hashiguchi . On March 1, 2012, Directors & Producers of Yo Gabba Gabba Live! In May of that year, the live show announced the tour dates were going to be that summer. It is called a Wonder Words Basket and her symbol is a spiral. The literacy skills and interactive games are backed by scientific research and testing by a panel of experts. The Super Advanced-level Stealth Raider, in spite of this, is not related to the Yomega Stealth Raider. While people generally think of weight loss as healthy, yo-yo dieting can actually damage your health, leading to heart disease, high blood pressure, and higher BMI over time. The series is still currently rerunning and has reached 104 episodes in total. After collecting the Super Letters and uploading them onto the Super Duper Computer in order to get the Super Story answer, Whyatt will then ask why that word in particular is the right word. Like with any auto-return yo-yo, when it loses spin, the o-ring on the axle activates the clutch, making the yo-yo automatically return to your hand. Alibaba.com offers 787 super yo products. The show debuted on September 3, 2007 on most PBS member stations and … She wears a lavender princess dress and loves to dance. 1. Super Why! The Reading Adventures of Super Why!) In which the three icon characters put up a glittery blue letter, sing words with the name letter, then proceed to sing a song before the few minutes are up. This format enables children to practice the critical skills that they need to learn to read. Super Why! Red - The title character from the fairy tale, she only refers to herself as "Red Riding Hood" and is a freckle-faced pale skinned brunette/redhead who wears a red dress and red roller skates as well as a red flat cap. tip. The Yoyo Bag is a Hardmode accessory which allows the holder to use two yoyos, similar to the Yoyo Glove along with two Counterweights and also increases the yoyo's range. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. To play with Super Why, enable javascript in your browser. He focuses on the alphabet. Yo-Yo (born Yolanda Whitaker; August 4, 1971) is a Grammy nominated American hip-hop artist, actress, and entrepreneur.. Much of Yo-Yo's music advocates for female empowerment and denouncing the frequent sexism and misogyny in hip-hop music.Yo-Yo is the protégé of gangsta rapper Ice Cube.Yo-Yo dubbed her crew the IBWC, for the Intelligent Black Woman's Coalition. Someone else will then explain it before everybody then goes on their own to do what they had been doing previously. He officially became a Super Reader in the episode "Woofster Finds a Home". Veel van je tijd en energie gaat zitten in de “randverschijnselen” en je hebt het gevoel dat je helemaal niet aan je “echte werk” toekomt. The manufacturer is unique is that it not only produces yo-yos, but owns all parts of the manufacturing process, including all of the machinery. A wide variety of super yo options are available to you, such as material, certification, and age range. SuperYo, founded in 1994 by former Duncan yo-yo demonstrator Arne Dixon, is a yo-yo manufacturer based in Lynnwood, Washington, USA. Super Duper! Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling, is the pattern of losing and regaining weight over and over again so your weight is constantly fluctuating. The easy to use powerful game engine that is the best for 2D games. But it stars 4 (eventually/on and off 5) Super Readers: Whyatt - The leader of the group of characters who become the "Super Readers", Whyatt is an olive-skinned, blue eyed, brown-haired boy who wears a dark blue polo shirt with green stripes and khaki pants. 1 Crafting 1.1 Recipes 2 Notes 3 History The counterweights will be a random color every throw, so the use of a different color of Counterweight does not matter when … videoshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQKw_soo5o7IqDZLoPFoDqTchl8UKjS--Watch all of our Super WHY! Find activities, tips, crafts and more for learning at home here. The Super Advanced-level yo-yo is an auto-return yo-yo with a metal bearing, modified body shape, and LED lights that activate as the yo-yo spins. The series was produced by the same people who made Blue’s Clues from Nickelodeon. The series is still currently rerunning and has reached 103 episodes in total. Super Yo-Yo (Japanese: 超速スピナー, Hepburn: Chōsoku Supinā, lit. Sign In To PBS KIDS. is known as. is the first preschool series designed to help children learn to read through interactive story adventures. His Super Reader form allows him the power to speak also and his symbol is a dog bone. Super Yo-Yo (Japanese: 超速スピナー, Hepburn: Chōsoku Supinā, lit. Live: You've Got the Power! Her superhero form is Princess Presto and in this form she wears a pink gown. Agents of SHIELD season 7 has finally fixed Yo-Yo's powers - and subtly transformed them. Like with any auto-return yo-yo, when it loses spin, the o-ring on the axle activates the clutch, making the yo-yo automatically return to your hand. 1. His symbol is a question mark. When he enters, he says, “P is for pig!”. (stylized as Super WHY!) Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It currently airs on PBS Kids 24-Hour Channel (local PBS stations until July 15, 2019), but it once aired on Sprout (now known as Universal Kids) in the USA (from March 21, 2011 to September 25, 2015), on Nick Jr. in the United Kingdom, Kids' CBC in Canada, EBS 1 (then called EBS) in South Korea, and Yoyo TV in Taiwan in July 2011. Once deployed, a yoyo will stay in the air for up to a certain maximum flight time which varies per yoyo. Visit Your Profile Not Logged In logout. Princess Pea - Princess Pea was named after the children's story "The Princess and the Pea"; it is shown in the episode The Princess and The Pea that the princess in that story was Pea's mother and the prince in that story was her father. 00:00. Each 22-minute episode features a team of fairytale superheroes who soar into classic storybooks and use their unique reading-based powers to find answers to everyday preschool problems. Upon landing, Whyatt will begin to read a few sentences of the book with the viewer, asking them to read along. Using their super powers, these Super Readers fly inside books. The interactive format encourages kids to actively participate in each episode. Super Why takes place in the land of Storybrook Village, a place where all Fairytale characters reside together in a loving, peaceful community. SUPER YOYO toy yoyo kid toy skillful manufacture and deft design reliable quality and reasonable price easy to handle Item NO. Super Why! Early on in Season 1, the character in their original designs didn't made proper facial expressions whenever they're angry, sad or surprised. In Season 3, there are some episodes that now feature sequences of the Super Readers singing songs related to their super big problem they need to solve (minus Alpha Pig's ABC song and Wonder Red rhyming song). To continue using this website, please update to a modern browser. As in real life, the problems require preschool social skills to resolve. Whyatt will begin the show by greeting the viewers when he suddenly gets a call from someone who needs help. We have hundreds of yoyo tricks with step by step how to yoyo instructions, and a curated yoyo shop with only the best yoyos in the world. His superhero form is Alpha Pig. & Woofster Bark-a-rooney! YoYo Games is the home of GameMaker. Whyatt calls his fairy tale friends to their secret clubhouse, named "The Book Club," where they transform themselves from mere mortals into literacy-powered super heroes. Woofster- The fifth member of the group. Jack appears in some episodes but generally is "away at college." Whyatt then reads the title of the book as they then transform and fly inside of it. The Storybrook Village is the home of your child's favorite fairytale characters, including Red, from Little Red Riding Hood; Pig from The Three Little Pigs, Princess from The Princess and The Pea, and Whyatt, the curious younger brother of Jack from Jack and The Beanstalk who discovers he has the power to fly inside books to find answers to his questions. After investigating the problem at hand, Whyatt then summons the other super readers by sending out a call. teaches preschoolers key literacy skills, including letter identification, decoding, encoding, spelling, and reading comprehension. https://superwhy.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Why! Prev Next. Yo-Yo Rodriguez is an Inhuman, gifted with the power of super-speed. As they overcome these obstacles, they are rewarded with red glittery "Super Letters" that are then eventually uploaded back onto the Super Duper Computer to spell out the word that makes up the solution to the characters problem. He also lives with Whyatt and his family. However, in this case "Pea" is her surname. CC. All Episodes Clips Music. Buy Super Speed Light Up Yo Yo - 2 pack: Yo-yos - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Despite being called "Super Advanced" yo-yos, these are best suited for beginners, due to their auto-return mechanism. These yo-yos come in fiery red, clear, and blue, and are named the "Fire Star" (Depicts the ''Super Yo-Yo'' protagonist Shunichi Domoto) and "Stealth Raider" (Depicts the rival character, Seito Hojoin). The adventure begins as the Super Readers find out how famous fictional characters handled similar situations (Why is the big bad wolf so big and bad?). SUPER WHY, the animated television series and interactive website, helps children ages 3-6 learn key reading skills, including alphabet, rhyming, spelling and reading comprehension, through interactive storybook adventures. Whyatt always invites the viewer to join them by describing him or her as "Super You, with the power to help.". He says, `` Princess Pea at your service! always takes her Magic Wand. A magical 3D world hidden behind the bookshelves in a children 's computer educational... Made of dominos and explains their situation block on Sprout has made a mock of Why... 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