. Detailed Summary & Analysis Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 … She put baby, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. As a baby, the Elders take her to the forest to sacrifice her. This magic is much more powerful than starlight, and consuming the moonlight causes the baby to acquire magical powers. As a last resort, Xan puts a spell on her, effectively bundling her magic into a tiny grain. The Girl Who Drank the Moon study guide contains a biography of Barnhill, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. I think children of various races could identify with her. The Girl Who Drank the Moon was in my mind a perfect first post, and I loved reading it from start to finish. . However, her old age is taking a toll on her, and she accidentally gives Luna moonlight to drink, which makes the child very naughty and her magical powers unpredictable. Happy reading, and I’ll see you in the next post! The following version of this book was used to create this study guide: Barnhill, Kelly. The Girl Who Drank the Moon Character Descriptions. Not affiliated with Harvard College. The story follows a young girl named Luna, who is accidentally enmagicked as a baby. One night, Xan accidentally feeds the baby moonlight. Our, "Sooo much more helpful than SparkNotes. In the universe the novel portrays, the world itself rose up out of a story told by its creator. However, this spell also means that she sets the time for her own death which is due on the day that Luna’s magic erupts. (including. answer. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. A New York Times BestSeller. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. Eventually, she kills the evil witch Sister Ignatia and seizes power over the Protectorate, where she now spends her time telling other Star Children about their real parents. She grows up in the witch’s house causing all sorts of problems. Grand Elder from the Protectorate. --home school life magazine "This fantasy book about the unexpected power of magic, love and sorrow is told with beautiful prose and some humor . Mehr lesen. Luna is enmagicked as a baby by being fed the silvery honeyed moon beams. Xan. The Crow Character Analysis in The Girl Who Drank the Moon | LitCharts. Close to her 13th birthday, she begins to understand the nature of her abilities. https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-girl-who-drank-the-moon/characters The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a 2016 fantasy novel for middle school readers by American author Kelly Barnhill. . -Graham S. Glerk is, for much of the novel, the friendly swamp monster who lives with, The leader of the Council of Elders in the Protectorate and one of the novel’s antagonists. --home school life magazine "This fantasy book about the unexpected power of magic, love and sorrow is told with beautiful prose and some humor . ." Xan … bahurst. She is the author of four novels, most recently The Girl Who Drank the Moon, winner of the 2017 John Newbery Medal. The Girl Who Drank the Moon. The book is interwoven with rising tension throughout the story. In several languages, the word “luna” means moon, and throughout the book Luna has a special connection to the moon. As a young child, she was taken by her mother on the Day of Sacrifice. Teachers and parents! The Question and Answer section for The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a great This makes Luna powerful in terms of magic but also unpredictable. Therefore, she puts a spell on her to contain her magic. Kelly Barnhill. After Xan’s death, he takes her spirit to the Bog. go ahead and add The Girl Who Drank the Moon to your reading list." The main action of this story happens when a girl is twelve/thirteen, when most girls physically change into adults. Print Word PDF. Even though he takes care of Antain, he has a rather cold heart and protects his power at all costs, while considering himself a protector and mentor who teaches his subjects valuable lessons. Luna is the protagonist of the story. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful book and I couldn't help but pick it up again and again until I was finished. Struggling with distance learning? However, when their attempt fails, Gherland’s subjects put him and the other Elders in prison, where he dies alone and forgotten. Luna is the protagonist of the story. However, she is saved by the witch Xan, who accidentally feeds her moonlight instead of starlight. Gherland. 4,7 von 5 Sternen. 500 years ago, this character was known as the Sorrow Eater; Sister Ignatia is a name that she gave herself after there was a volcanic eruption. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. question. He begins to change his mind about family and considers himself being closer to his brother than his sisters (as a boy he used to work for the Sisters of the Star including Sister Ignatia). What is one book (or movie) that you have read or seen which features an unforgettable protagonist? GradeSaver, 21 February 2020 Web. The Girl who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill Whole Book Test Test 50 Questions Multiple Choice Includes Key Please upload the product preview to see a large portion of the test Please note: This test contains questions on: quote identification, character description, figurative language, in As an infant, Luna lives in the Protectorate, a corrupt city where the youngest baby is offered as an annual sacrifice to the Witch who is rumored to live in the surrounding forest. Kundenrezensionen. go ahead and add The Girl Who Drank the Moon to your reading list." 18 Sternebewertungen. The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a 2016 children's book by Kelly Barnhill.The book tells how Luna, after being raised by a witch, must figure out how to handle the magical powers she was accidentally given. This character is one of the central protagonists in the novel. This novel is written in the past tense and is narrated largely by a third-person omniscient narrator. Every year Elders of the Protectorate leave a baby in the forest, warning everyone an evil Witch demands this sacrifice. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a book that is full of characters who just don’t fit in to what is considered “normal” society. 14 October 2020 . Written by acclaimed children's author Kelly Barnhill, The Girl Who Drank the Moon (released in 2016) tells the story of a young girl named Luna. She has curly black hair, black eyes, and “luminous skin, like polished amber” (10). An editor Luna Character Analysis. He also carries her around and takes care of her. witch who lives in the forest and takes care of Luna. The Girl Who Drank the Moon Introduction + Context . 4,7 von 5. While there…, A kind, bright, and clever young woman in the Protectorate. answer. Anonymous "The Girl Who Drank the Moon Characters". Kelly Barnhill lives in Minnesota with her husband and three children. This book is for those girls, and absolutely should be read by every one of them. Readers’ questions about The Girl Who Drank the Moon. She is very smart but also very naughty, which soon makes it impossible to teach her. Glerk is a strong advocate for telling and facing the truth, so he dislikes Xan giving Fyrian false hope that he will grow up to become a Simply Enormous Dragon, and he warns Xan not to put a spell on Luna to contain her magic. He is a poet and has a feeble for language. When Luna becomes a naughty child, he wants to teach her poetry to keep her occupied. In Kelly Barnhill's young-adult fantasy novel The Girl Who Drank the Moon, a powerful group of elders bring sorrow to the people living in a place called the Protectorate, causing the townspeople to become powerless. However, this also results in Luna being unable to hear the word ‘magic’ or see anything that has to do with magic. 53 questions answered. Xan is a friendly witch who is described as a “large, good-tempered toad.” She has a big heart and saves the sacrificed children who the Elders place in the forest every year. The characters--minor and major--live and breathe; the world of the story feels sturdy enough to stand on its own . My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, read analysis of Sister Ignatia/The Sorrow Eater. Xan. Luna, who one would expect to be the protagonist of the story, as she is the child, and titular character, isn't developed well at all. The Girl Who Drank the Moon introduces the reader to a world in which storytelling of all sorts reigns supreme. Luckily, Xan is able to teach Luna how to manage her magical powers, and Glerk takes care of the child after Xan’s death. She is the author of four novels, most recently The Girl Who Drank the Moon, winner of the Newbery Medal. This is … Antain is an Elder apprentice who was only accepted because of his aggressive mother. However, when he learns the truth about her, he contributes to stopping the sacrifices. Xan is about 500 years old and was experimentally, The novel’s antagonist. She had a crush on, The person who tells their child the stories of the, A Sister of the Star who was friends with, A huge and beautiful dragon. As Luna grows, she struggles to recover important things she has lost: her memories, her mother, and her magic. The book was favorably reviewed. I'm quite amazed that this book is recommended for the age group 9-12 years because it is really rather sophisticated. The Sorrow Eater became an evil…, A young, idealistic man from the Protectorate. witch who lives in the forest and takes care of Luna. He is the nephew of the Grand Elder, who oversees his development. answer. Luna. Paula Corcoran. Gherland . His uncle. Luna is the title character of The Girl Who Drank the Moon. Grand Elder from the Protectorate. Next. Occasional chapters are related in the first-person in monologue form as an unnamed narrator tells her child stories about the Witch. The way the content is organized, One of the novel’s protagonists and the titular “girl who drank the moon.” As an infant, Luna lives in the Protectorate, a corrupt city where the youngest baby is offered as an annual sacrifice to…, A kindly witch who lives in a swamp in the middle of the forest. . Gherland is the Grand Elder, and therefore the most powerful of the rulers of the Protectorate. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Anyway, The Girl Who Drank the Moon is an impressive fantasy: scary, funny, moving, and magical. The book won the 2017 Newbery Medal.. The beauty of this book begins with its magical title: The Girl Who Drank the Moon. by Kelly Barnhill ‧ RELEASE DATE: Aug. 9, 2016. He’s an old man, is very grand, and loves the prestige that comes along with his position. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Get answers to your The Girl Who Drank the Moon questions like What are personality traits of the Main Characters : Luna and Xan from BookRags.com You can help us out by revising, improving and updating Plot Summary. Xan, Firian and Glurk were developed better than others. Antain. main character, was sacrificed to the witch; has magic because she ate too much moonlight. LitCharts Teacher Editions. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. However, she is saved by the witch Xan, who accidentally feeds her moonlight instead of starlight. Luna, though, is special. An elderly witch, a magical girl, a brave carpenter, a wise monster, a tiny dragon, paper birds, and a madwoman converge to thwart a magician who feeds on sorrow. Years later, when he visits Adara, the mother of the sacrificed baby, in the tower, he is attacked by the paper birds that she has made. The author uses beautiful language and carefully chosen words. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Luna. For the first 10% of The Girl Who Drank the Moon I was quite sure it was going to be a 5 star book, but somewhere after that the effortless beauty started to feel a little more forced. . I was exceptionally disappointed by "The Girl Who Drank the Moon." The Witch's Boy received four starred reviews and was a finalist for the Minnesota Book Awards. The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Author Kelly Barnhill. . For example, he tries to avoid the day of the sacrifice by pretending that he is sick, and when the Elders leave the helpless baby out in the forest, he suggests waiting for the witch to pick up the girl to ensure she is safe. In reality, every year, … When Xan brings Luna home, he tries his best not to like the baby, but as soon as she mentions his name, his heart melts. Mary Lanham The book doesn't include real-world ethnicities or races, but several of the main characters are described as having darker skin and curling black hai…more The book doesn't include real-world ethnicities or races, but several of the main characters are described as having darker skin and curling black hair. question. main character, was sacrificed to the witch; has magic because she ate too much moonlight. The main character of The Girl Who Drank the Moon is Luna, who begins the story as an enmagicked baby whose custodian is an ancient witch. I was both jealous of that experience and yet felt kinship with it - how often have I felt graced by the gentle silvery radiance of moonlight! « “The Girl Who Drank the Moon takes a probing look at social complexity and the high cost of secrets and lies, weaving multiple perspectives, past and present, into one cleverly unfolding fairy tale. ." She must control her powers before it's too late. Glerk is a friendly swamp monster that lives together with Xan. When Antain and his wife Ethyne start to question the story of the witch, he asks Sister Ignatia for help to stop them. He starts to question the practice of sacrificing children and plans to kill the evil witch. She reunites with her mother Adara and uses her magic to protect the city from an erupting volcano. One of the novel’s protagonists and the titular “girl who drank the moon.”. She is also the winner of the World Fantasy Award and has been a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award, a Nebula Award, and the PEN/USA literary prize. Diane Though races are not mentioned in the book, Luna, the book's main character, has curly black hair, a warm brown skin color and black eyes. Xan decides to take the baby on a longer journey than normal because something about the baby makes Xan want to spend time with her. Readers who like YA fantasy lacking romantic triangles but possessing plenty of witty and poetic writing and loveable characters and human villains should like the book. The Girl Who Drank the Moon is Isabel's favorite story by her daddy. As a teenager, Antain is an Elder-in-Training. View a FREE sample. Luna is an infant at the beginning of the novel. Read the Study Guide for The Girl Who Drank the Moon…. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. Algonquin Readers, 2016. I’ll do a book review usually once a month, and do expect most of them to be about this long. She loves to read, and often dances with the moon— even after bedtime. There were three issues that made it a weak book for me. The Girl who Drank the Moon Characters. She is entranced by the baby's deep black eyes and the distinct crescent moon birthmark on her forehead. Terms in this set (13) Luna. THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOON. First, none of the characters were extremely well developed. Visit her online at kellybarnhill.com or on Twitter: @kellybarnhill. With rich, lyrical language and gentle humor, Barnhill creates a fairytale-like world very different from … However, his compassion, critical thinking, and idealism go against the practices of the Elders. Because she was raised by a witch and was often around magic, Luna one days accidentally receives magical powers. Reception. Created by. As a baby, the Elders take her to the forest to sacrifice her. A sensitive young girl is likely to be too worried about what will happen to actually want to read it. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. This makes Luna powerful in terms of magic but also unpredictable. question. answer. After being harmed by the paper birds, he follows his dream of becoming a woodworker and marries his childhood love Ethyne, with whom he has a son called Luken. Xan. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." It is very important for the main character of a story to be appealing in some way, and be able to hold the reader's interest. Giving them starlight to drink, she calls them Star Children and brings them to the Free Cities, where they grow up to become rich and happy people. question. I (48 year old but youthful librarian) have just finished reading The Girl Who Drank the Moon and found it an absolutely fabulous and inventive, but also complex, abstract and demanding read. He is the uncle of Antain and described as a man who enjoys the power and privileges that come with the office. The Girl Who Drank the Moon Overview. Moreover, he teaches Fyrian kindness so he does not kill Sister Ignatia. I suspect that some more aggressive editing is all the book would have needed to be flawless. Instant downloads of all 1396 LitChart PDFs The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. The characters--minor and major--live and breathe; the world of the story feels sturdy enough to stand on its own . This book begins with its magical title: the Girl Who Drank the Moon… starts to question story... Novels, most recently the Girl Who Drank the Moon. when he learns the truth about her, bundling... With rising tension throughout the story from the Protectorate leave a baby, “ this is absolutely the best resource... Review usually once a month, and clever young woman in the the... 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